1. 1.
    Who is Soft Space?

    We are a digital payments company that develops innovative solutions for the banking and payment industry. As a solution provider, we work with existing financial institutions to provide solutions for businesses and individuals.

    Currently the leading mobile Point-of-Sales (mPOS) provider in South East Asia, our solution is available at most leading banks across the region.

    Our solutions are accredited and recognised globally.

  2. 2.
    Who is this platform for?

    The Soft Space solution is for everyone, whether you are a business owner or an individual. That being said, you can get your hands on our solution from Fasspay if you are within Malaysia or any of our partnering banks in your country.

    No matter what size your business is, the ability of accepting card payments securely on your mobile makes it so convenient that you will never have to miss a sale again or having to run to the nearest ATM.

  3. 3.
    OK, I'm interested in your EMV payment platform. So how do I get started?

    If you are based in Malaysia — You can learn more and attain our solution via Fasspay the official acquiring and merchant on-boarding arm of Soft Space.

    If you are based in other countries — kindly click here to view the list of banks you can find our solutions at. If your desired bank is not in the list, rest assure, we are in talks and at the same time, undergoing vigorous security tests with most of the acquiring banks in this region.

    Meanwhile, you can register here for regular updates on news and happenings at Soft Space. You will be the first to know when we are ready to launch in your country.

  1. 1.
    Why do you use a chip card reader instead of a magnetic stripe card reader?

    Security is our utmost priority. Chip based cards are not only more secure than traditional magnetic stripe cards; it also stores a considerably more amount of information than magnetic strip cards in a very secure manner.

    Chip Reader and Magnetic Stripe Card Reader

    Back in 2004 - Malaysia, being the first country in Asia to mandate EMV chip infrastructure managed to reduce counterfeit fraud tremendously. Today, EMV is a global standard for authenticating credit and debit card transactions based on chip card technology.

    Our EMV payment platform is fully chip based to be compliant with the Central Bank's regulation and therefore, we can offer everyone a secure way to process card payments.

  2. 2.
    What if the country I live in requires Chip & PIN or contactless? Does Soft Space provide Chip & PIN or contactless solution?

    Yes - this is possible with the FPAD Card Reader card reader and Soft Space's centralised EMV processing solution. Our EMV payment platform allows anyone to use Chip & PIN or contactless to process card payments on the go.


    FPAD Card Reader - Accepts chip, magnetic stripe and contactless transactions

    Come back and visit our website often, as we will introduce newer, and better card readers from time to time.

  3. 3.
    What is EMV?

    EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard and VISA, a global standard for inter-operation of integrated circuit cards (IC cards or "chip cards") and IC card capable point of sale (POS) terminals and automated teller machines (ATMs), for authenticating credit and debit card transactions.

    For more information, please visit http://www.emvco.com

    Watch our video to learn more about the importance of EMV L2 Certification and how it can protect you from fraudulent payments:

  4. 4.
    What makes your mobile payment platform different from others?

    The Soft Space EMV payment platform is both EMVCo Level 1 and Level 2 certified, so it is recognised and accredited worldwide to accept card payments.

    The EMVCo Letter of Approval:

    Security is not compromised, thus giving users a peace of mind while using our EMV payment platform. Users also get to enjoy lower rates as part of being compliant with EMV standards.

  5. 5.
    What mobile platforms do you support?

    Our chip card reader supports Apple's latest platforms for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

    Since September 2012, we began supporting for Android and Windows platforms as well. We have been hard at work making sure we can extend the support for as many latest devices and platforms as possible.

    Come back and visit our website often, as we will update you on more smart devices that we support.

  6. 6.
    How do you charge?

    We have no plans to be an acquirer at the moment. However, we are working with our global partners, together with acquiring banks to bring our unique EMV payment solution to you. Therefore the rates may vary depending on local Bank charges, country of operation and the nature of your business.

    If you are based in Malaysia — You can learn more and attain our solution via Fasspay the official acquiring and merchant on-boarding arm of Soft Space.

    If you are based in other countries — kindly click here to view the list of banks you can find our solutions at. If your desired bank is not in the list, rest assure, we are in talks and at the same time, undergoing vigorous security tests with most of the acquiring banks in this region.

    Meanwhile, you can register here for regular updates on news and happenings at Soft Space. You will be the first to know when we are ready to launch in your country.

  1. 1.
    How secure is your mobile payment platform?

    The Soft Space EMV payment platform is both EMVCo Level 1 and Level 2 certified, so it is recognised and accredited worldwide to accept card payments.

    Also, we adhere to Visa Inc. requirements for a reliable, convenient, secure mobile point of sale experience and certified with "MasterCard Mobile Point-Of-Sale (MPOS)" Program to promote simple and secure transactions. No sensitive data is ever stored on the mobile device, and all data traffic is strongly encrypted.

    Watch our video to learn more about the importance of EMV L2 Certification and how it can protect you from fraudulent payments:

  2. 2.
    What happens if my chip card reader is lost or stolen?

    If your chip card reader falls into the possession of a non-authorised user, don't fret - as they will not be able to perform any transactions with our EMV payment platform.

    This is because each chip card reader comes with a unique serial number that is specifically linked to your account and will only work with your device that has been granted access and permission through the Application.

    We also ensure that the cardholders' information is never stored within the device or the chip card reader at all times. All data traffic is strongly encrypted from end-to-end.

  3. 3.
    Tell me more about your security.

    Apart from the security certifications, we also perform authentication and unique identification to protect sensitive data throughout the transactions cycle. The strong encryption of data will start from the chip card reader, to the mobile device and finally to the centralised server.

    At Soft Space, we help you simplify credit card payments by using centralised EMV processing. It simply means that the EMV kernel is located at a centralised server, and the processing is done remotely. All information is stored on the server; hence if the chip card reader or mobile device is ever lost or stolen, the cardholder's information will still remain safe.

    Watch the video to learn more about the uniqueness of our mobile EMV processing approach:

    The following describes the security mechanisms provided by the Soft Space EMV payment platform:

    • VeriSign extended validation SSL certificates: SSL encryption to secure the communication channels between the Application and server

    • End-to-end encryption: Strong encryption of data from the mobile device, to the payment server, to the acquiring host

    • Online transaction processing: All transactions are performed online only as recommended by Visa and MasterCard

    • No jail-broken devices: Soft Space's mobile terminal EMV Application residing in the mobile device does not run on jail-broken / rooted mobile devices

    • Multi-factor authentication: Authenticate using multiple factors such as login approvals and 2-step verification

    More highlights:

    • All sensitive data is encrypted using state-of-the-art cryptographic algorithms.

    • The cardholders' information is never stored within the device or chip card reader. All information is stored on the server, and the processing is done remotely at a centralised server.

    • We do not release our customer information to any third parties without their consent. Please refer to our privacy policy for more information.

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